International Organizations

  • UN Committee Criticizes U.S. for Wide-Ranging "Racial Bias"

    September 03, 2014

    While the legal process continues in Ferguson, Missouri, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has weighed in, bashing U.S. law enforcement, legal, and education practices.

  • Report Finds Disorganized UN Climate Apparatus

    September 03, 2014

    George Russell writes that a report from the UN's Joint Inspection Unit indicates duplication, inefficiency, and absence of oversight within the UN's various initiatives to fight global warming and promote the concept of "sustainability."

  • Schaefer and Kim: U.S. Should Link Foreign Aid to UN Voting

    September 03, 2014

    Brett Schaefer and Anthony Kim of the Heritage Foundation have called for the U.S. Congress to require the linkage of U.S. foreign aid to countries' UN voting records in order to encourage support for U.S. priorities at the global body.

  • WHO Pushes UN Climate Agenda

    September 03, 2014

    The UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") has published an article calling for countries to save "millions of lives" by fighting climate change and arguing that global warming "is already causing tens of thousands of deaths every year."

  • World Bank Refers to "Moral Duty" to Halt Climate Change

    September 03, 2014

    The World Bank's special envoy for climate change has called on developed countries to fulfill their "moral responsibility" to combat global warming and predicts calls from attendees at a UN conference of small island nations for climate change to be considered an issue of "justice" and "rights."

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