UN Rights Committee Questions Ireland on Abortion Legislation
July 18, 2014
As part of the UN Human Rights Committee's periodic review of Ireland, members of the Committee questioned Ireland's Minister of Justice on Irish abortion restrictions and indicated that limitations on the right to abortion were prohibited under international human rights treaties.
Nestle Publishes "Action Plan" on Women in Its Supply Chain
July 18, 2014
Following pressure from nongovernmental organizations for companies to recognize a duty to protect workers in their supply chain, the multinational company Nestle has published an "action plan" to support the wellbeing of women who work in its cocoa supply chain.
AI Calls for UN Investigation of and Embargo on Israel
July 18, 2014
Amnesty International ("AI") has called for the UN to launch an international investigation of whether Israel is abiding by international law in its recent missile strikes on Gaza and to impose a weapons embargo on Israel and Palestinian groups.
UN Seeks "Bold" International Action to Decrease Carbon Emissions
July 18, 2014
Introducing a new report calling for international action to reduce carbon emissions and prevent global warming, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for all countries to adopt solutions to prevent climate change.
UN Condemns Continued Construction of West Bank Wall
July 18, 2014
While UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon criticizes Israel for continuing its construction of a security wall in the West Bank, a UN Committee on the rights of Palestinians has called for the UN Security Council to "compel" Israel to cease alleged violations of international law.