Commentators Criticize Politically Motivated UN Development Goals
July 30, 2014
Calling the UN's proposed "Sustainable Development Goals" vague, politically motivated, and, in some cases, counterproductive, Brett Schaefer and Terry Miller of the Heritage Foundation write that the U.S. should reject the current version of the goals and seek goals that instead measure anti-poverty progress.
UN Committee: Irish Abortion Laws Violate Human Rights
July 30, 2014
Finding that Ireland's current, "highly restrictive" abortion laws violate the human rights of women, the UN Human Rights Committee has published a report calling on the country to hold a constitutional referendum to ensure women's access to abortion.
HRW: U.S. Violates Treaty Obligations on Racial Discrimination
July 30, 2014
Human Rights Watch ("HRW") argues that the U.S. is in violation of its treaty obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination for, among other things, the disproportionate impact of the country's agricultural laws and the refusal of some states to extend Medicaid.
UN Considers Palestinian Request for "Protection System"
July 30, 2014
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has reported to the UN Security Council that he is considering a request from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to place Palestine under a UN "protection system" that would protect Palestinians against "Israeli aggression" and alleged human rights violations.
NGO: U.K. Justice Bill Would Violate UN Treaty Rights
July 30, 2014
The nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Client Earth has criticized a U.K. bill that it says would reduce court access for plaintiffs in environmental suits and is calling for the bill to be amended to take into account the UN's Aarhus Convention on the right to access justice for environmental claims.