International Organizations

  • U.S. Concerned WHO Not Sharing Enough Info on Covid Investigation in China

    November 12, 2020

    Garrett Grisby of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services expressed concern that the criteria for the World Health Organization's (WHO) planned mission to China,  investigating the animal origins of the coronavirus, has not been sufficiently shared with other nations.

  • U.S.M.C. to Focus on Anti-Submarine Warfare

    November 09, 2020

    General David Berger, the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, lays out new plans for combat operations to focus on anti-submarine warfare as Chinese and Russian undersea warfare capabilities continue to improve.

  • Sweden Increases Defense Spending in Face of "Russian Aggression"

    November 09, 2020

    According to Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist,  “Russian aggression" has destabilized the region, leading to the highest surge in Sweden's defense spending since the 1950s: a $3 billion injection that will raise troop levels from 60,000 to 90,000 by 2025.

  • The U.S. Officially Exits Paris Climate Accord

    November 04, 2020

    Following through on a 2017 promise made by President Donald Trump, the United States has formally exited the Paris Agreement, making the U.S. the only country of 197 signatories to have withdrawn from the 2015 agreement.

  • As China’s Surveillance System Grows so does the Backlash

    November 04, 2020

    This week, Hangzhou, a city in eastern China that's home to Chinese tech giant Alibaba, published a draft law that would ban property managers from deploying facial recognition cameras in residential compounds without permission from local residents, evidencing growing citizen concern of the technological intrusion that has grown in China over the last ten years by 1,900%.

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