The Hill: German Hospital Officials Confirm Poisoning of Russian Opposition Leader Navalny
August 26, 2020
Authorities from the German hospital to which Alexei Navalny, an anti-corruption activist and outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was sent for treatment last week have confirmed he was poisoned.
After Hagia Sophia, Erdogan Continues the Islamization of Turkey and Turns Another Church into a Mosque
August 24, 2020
Just weeks after President Erdogan turned Hagia Sophia into a Mosque, the Turkish leader continues his quest for the Islamization of his country, turning The Holy Savior in Chora, a Byzantine church decorated with 14th-century frescoes of the Last Judgement, into a mosque.
CATO: POLL: 62% of Americans Fear Sharing Their Political Views
August 19, 2020
A recent survey conducted by from the Washington, D.C.-based CATO Institute reveals the fear of a significant percentage of Americans that expressing their political opinions will negatively impact their employment opportunities and social life.
U.S. Military Battles Russian Disinformation Campaigns
August 18, 2020
The U.S. Military faces a new type of battlefield on Social Media, with major Russian disinformation efforts causing potential difficulties between allies and trust within the United States.
Atlantic Council: Ukraine Must Address Russia's Ongoing Aggression
August 15, 2020
According to the Atlantic Council, to address ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Ukrainian leaders should shift from "warfare" to "lawfare," unambiguously documenting the manner in which Russia has violated international law.