International Organizations

  • China's Resistance to Share COVID-19 Data Kept WHO in Dark

    June 03, 2020

    Politico : An Associated Press study reveals that tight controls on information and competition within the Chinese public health system impeded the flow of COVID-19 data to the World Health Organization ("WHO"), which believed defending China's response would improve the flow of data.

  • Russia and China Fueling Social Unrest in U.S.

    June 03, 2020

    According to an analysis of recent Twitter posts by POLITICO, Russia and China are flooding social media with content targeting the ongoing unrest and violence in the United States.

  • UN Official Celebrates Costa Rica Same-Sex Marriage Outcome

    June 01, 2020

    Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Chile, has congratulated Costa Rica on its implementation of same-sex marriage legislation dictated by a controversial 2018 decision of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica.

  • Babones: WHO’s China Ties Responsible for Disastrous Coronavirus Response

    June 01, 2020

    In a Foreign Policy commentary, Salvatore Babones, an adjunct scholar at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, details the ways in which the World Health Organization’s close relationship with China resulted in an ineffective response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Trump Terminates U.S. Relationship with WHO

    May 30, 2020

    President Trump has announced that the U.S., which is the largest single contributor to the World Health Organization (“WHO”), is terminating relations with the organization, asserting that the WHO has "failed in its basic duty" in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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